The Newsletter of IBTM
with Douglas Jacoby

Good evening from Saudi Arabia! Last night I arrived from London for my first visit to the oil-rich desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Our 7-hour flight route took us across France, Italy, and then the Mediterranean. In the final two hours, our plane was over land again—Egypt and then Jordan. Next the pilot navigated south of Gaza and Israel, over the interior of this massive nation, and finally to our destination. Since it was a late-night arrival, the mercury was only in the low 90s. Daytime: 107º—a tench warmer than springtime Northern England (high 50s).

I had already secured my Saudi visa online. At immigration, most of the desks were manned by women in black burqas. All that was visible, through a narrow slit, were the eyes. A good reminder that I am in a different world, a different culture. In fact, at this very moment I hear the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer.

In this bulletin we are offering:


  • A complimentary copy of Jesus and Islamfor all website members
  • A summer webinar on LGBTQ matters
  • A video by Greg Koukl on the exclusive claims of Christianity
  • An opportunity to support the Middle Eastern book fund

Today you will notice a common theme of courage and conviction. We hope you find something to strengthen your love for the Lord, deepen your knowledge of his Word, and impact your life as you live for him daily.


This is the best book on the topic I have ever read—and should be especially helpful to church leaders, Bible teachers, parents of children who have "come out," younger persons, and all who are willing to look at the historical and biblical evidence. Here what influential persons are saying:

“Rubel Shelly has given us a gift. In a time when a growing number of authors are working to rewrite biblical truths to suit the cultural moment, Shelly has written a thoroughly researched work directly addressing what Scripture says, and doesn't say, about LGBTQ issues. What many readers will find most refreshing is that the author expertly combines the meticulousness of a scholar with a pastor's heart…”— Dr. Chad Ragsdale (Ozark Christian College)

“This rich and robust work upholds the sexual ethic that has marked Christian faith overwhelmingly for two thousand years… A particularly important feature is the three chapters surveying recent historical work on same-sex behavior in the Greco-Roman world. This evidence counters the frequent claim that the biblical texts prohibiting homosexuality are referring to abusive and exploitative behavior and that biblical writers did not know of—and thus did not condemn—committed and loving relationships…”—Dr. Leonard Allen (Lipscomb University)

RUBEL SHELLY, educated at Harding School of Theology (MA, MTh) and Vanderbilt University (MA, PhD), has spent his adult life in both academic settings and local church ministry. He is the author of several books, including I Just Want to Be a Christian, Marriage & Divorce: A Redemptive Theology, and I Knew Jesus Before He Was a Christian.


Many in our modern age imagine all religions are basically equal. Then what about Christ’s claim to be the only way to the Father (John 14:6)? Click HERE to watch apologist Greg Koukl's answer.

If you like this short video (3 mins) by apologist Greg Koukl, you may also appreciate Tim Barnett’s talk, What Is Religious Pluralism and Why Is It False?


Maybe you know nothing about Islam, and this volume is your first introduction to the religion. Or perhaps, at the other end of the spectrum, you have taken a university-level class and seek to expand your knowledge. Maybe you’re a Westerner who is apprehensive about Islam. You worry about what is going to happen to this world, and this fear has impelled you to increase your understanding.

Or perhaps you are a Muslim. You follow the Qur’an, and have purchased this book out of personal interest. I am sure you will be reading with a critical eye to see if what I say is fair. I hope you will feel free to send any input, whether personal reflections or suggestions for future editions.

Our hope and prayer are that Jesus and Islam will stimulate every reader to deeper thought—and even some soul-searching.

CLICK HERE for your complimentary copy. Website members only. Others can sign up at the homepage (at Join the Website).


  • Satan doesn't care which side of the horse we fall off, as long as we don't stay in the saddle. — Martin Luther
  • Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all the others. – Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
  • A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them. — John Maxwell
  • The weak wait for opportunities; the strong make them.


Finally, if you’d like to donate towards teaching materials in the Middle East, specific needs include:

  • Bahrain—$438
  • Kuwait—$1000
  • Oman—$140
  • Qatar—$1040
  • Saudi Arabia—$966
  • United Arab Emirates—$3267

If you can help, please donate (any amount you choose) HERE. In the drop-down menu, click on Teaching Materials, then in the Memo box write the name of the country where you’d like your gift to go.

Thanks for your support—financial, moral, and prayer. — Douglas