Rocky Mountain School of Theology and Ministry off to a great start this autumn, and our staff are looking forward to even greater things next semester.

First off, in early 2021 we anticipate launching the Spanish Master of Arts in Biblical Studies Program. Teachers include (1) Steve Brown, Instructor in Bible; (2) Robert Carrillo, MDiv, who is pursuing a doctorate at at Fuller Theological Seminary; and (3) Arturo Elizarrarás, Spanish Language Coordinator (Mexico City), who has taught over 1000 students on the MTP level through the years.

We have also launched our face-to-face MTP Certificate in Christian Ministry in the Rocky Mountain Region. Starting in January this will be available in distance education format for students around the world.

- Update from Glenn Giles, PhD

Glenn is the engine behind the RMSMT. It is an honor to teach there (MA program: Apologetics, Theology, Worldviews), and I am also grateful to Glenn for opening the door for many of us to teach in (MA program in Bible and Theology) Lincoln Christian University. - DJ